Logo der Universität Wien


Deadline for submission: July 30

Abstract format:

First name and name of Authors1 (underline author who will talk)

1 Address and e-mail of author 1

2 Address and e-mail of author 2

3 ……


1 Page A4, 2500 characters including spaces,

Format: Word, Arial 11

Figures: Format .jpg

Margins: L/R: 25mm

Oral presentations and posters

Lectures will last 20 min + 5 min discussion, the oral presentations will take place at a seminar room in Corvara. Projector for Powerpoint presentation is available, if you need further equipment, please contact Nadja Kavcik: nadja.kavcik@univie.ac.at

Poster: Format A1 or A0, we will provide boards and tapes.

Universität Wien | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Wien | T +43-1-4277-0